Global Connections
Global Connections
The Omid-E-Mirmun Orphanage was established by the Afghan Women’s Organization in 2004 in Kabul, Afghanistan with the support of Canadian Women for Women of Afghanistan. This Orphanage provides shelter and basic needs for approximately 30 girls between the ages of 3 to 17 years-old. The girls have a safe and comfortable home, access to schooling and extra-curricular activities, as well as emotional support and care from the dedicated staff. We are thankful for the generous funding from Canadian Women for Women of Afghanistan, and other friends and supporters for making it possible for this project to continue and grow in its success.
Thank you for donating to Mirmun Orphanage, your help is very important as it contributes to developing bright futures and creating opportunities for young Afghans and generations to follow. If you are interested in making a contribution to the Mirmun Orphanage, please contact:
Zarlasht Barez: 416 588-3585 Ext: 227
Or email at
Please send cheques to the following address:
Afghan Women’s Organization
150 Consumers Rd., # 203
North York, ON M2J 1P9
Charity receipts will be provided.
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