Employment Services

Employment Services
AWO’s employment program is designed to assist newcomers, in a culturally sensitive environment, with writing resumes, cover letters, and job applications, developing networking strategies and more. In addition, the program assists clients in understanding their skills and limitations and is referred to other organizations for further assistance with their job search. We have developed partnerships with several other employment agencies such as Employment Ontario to assist clients and choose programs and services appropriate to client’s needs and career goals.
Our client’s initial needs assessment determines if they are ready to search for a job. If our client is not ready we will assist them in understanding their job search barriers better and determining the best next step to becoming job search ready. One-on-one and group sessions assist clients to understand better Canadian companies, employer perspectives, and networking strategies to connect with others

Employment Sessions
Within the sessions, clients build skills and knowledge and awareness of the Canadian work environment and workplace culture. Attending both group sessions and referral services assists clients in securing jobs. Clients gain support and guidance in finding employment that matches their skills and education and assistance in overcoming barriers to employment.
Looking for a new job?
AWO’s Career Transition Platform can help you with your search for employment. Career advice, resume development, job alerts, and professional assistance are available on our Career Transition Platform.
Employment Support
AWO Provides One to one support for job search and job preparation